
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Extreme Makeover Hunt Edition - Part 1

We've been working on the house (it seems like constantly) but this weekend we shifted our focus from working on the house to working on the yard. So here's some before and after pics.

Before: lots of untamed ugliness along the fence
Andrew working hard

After: We planted black-eyed susans, coreopsis, asters...

lavendar, purple fountain grass...

Delphinium, hostas, pink coneflowers, and New England Asters.

The dogs were kind enough to keep us company and keep us amused:

Sherlock has deemed this paint roller his new favorite toy- he carries it everywhere.

Sawyer loves to jump up and snatch apples off of the apple tree. It's hilarious and I promise I will post video of this soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! The fence line looks great! But, Andrew's wearing long sleeves??? I'm burning up down here in N.C.!
As usual, the "grandkids" are quite amusing.
Don't overwork yourselves. Love ya,
Mamma C.