Hi there! Welcome to my little corner of the blog world.
I am a 27 year old graduate student at Penn State as is my amazing husband, Andrew.
This blog was originally started to document our lives transitioning from life back in Raleigh, NC (Go Pack!!) to life in the northern tundras of Pennsylvania...just kidding...but seriously, it can get pretty darn cold here for my warm Southern blood.
Now, the blog is taking a slightly different direction. Over the past few months, Andrew and I have made a conscious effort to become aware of what it truly means to be healthy, and the equation we've come up with (and the equation that has stood the test of time) is
Real Food + Fitness = Health
If you've read anything by Micheal Pollan, then you probably have a good idea of what I mean by Real Food. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains.....things that haven't been processed to the point that they are just a series of chemicals. Basically, real food has a natural origin, is truly satisfying and inherently GOOD.
To put it simply, we embarked on a 'food education.' And the result? Without sounding too cheesy, a new life.
In the past, I was always a very picky eater - my parents can definitely attest to that. I liked what I liked and that was that. I was missing out!! Now, we aim to continually try new foods (how have I lived my whole life without grilled eggplant??) and I relish the simple and joyful act of preparing them.
As for the fitness part of the equation, I've embraced the fact that strength training isn't a 'dude' thing, and that exercise should not be exercise...sigh, - it can be an activity that is both challenging and FUN (biking, running, swimming)!
I hope in this blog to share our journey through a healthy life mixed with the chaos of grad school, sharing our small house with 4 pets (yes, that's right - 4 pets), and mawwiage (The Princess Bride, anyone?) with sprinkles of faith and humor thrown in.
Hope you enjoy!