
Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today 3-0 Penn State played Temple at noon and 1-2 NC State played ECU at noon. Both games were televised up here. Which game did we watch? NC State, baby! We got to see a NC State quarterback actually throw TOUCHDOWNS (imagine that), NC State defense make a goal-line stand against ECU and succeed AND force a fumble in overtime, then top it all off with a hard-fought touchdown to win the game. It was an awesome game, way more exciting than watching Penn State steamroll their fourth team in a row. We wish we could have been there with our fellow Wolf-packers but it was enough to see NC State actually PLAY an entire football game. I'm so proud of our team!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A penny earned...

Today, Andrew and I have embarked on a makeover of our finances. We have never been very good with money and are not financially fit. So, we are starting our money makeover. We have a book that we've been reading (by Dave Ramsey if anyone's interested) and it gave us the kick in the seat that we needed to make a change. So, we sat down, drew up a budget, and made a plan. Then we cut up every single one of our credit cards. It felt so great! I did not realize just how much I despise Capital One until I took the scissors to that evil little card. THEN (drumroll please) we paid off one of our credit cards and now that debt is gone completely. Of course, there's other debt ready to step up to bat and it will be a long process to paying it off, but we're committed to getting debt free. Since we truly are poor graduate students, that is the lifestyle we will have. So, please, if anyone has any tips or advice on how to save dollars here and there, we welcome the comments! Also, encouragement will be greatly appreciated. It's never easy to admit that you've made mistakes, especially when it comes to money but enough is enough. Hopefully, one day, we will be a success story about getting out of debt.