
Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today 3-0 Penn State played Temple at noon and 1-2 NC State played ECU at noon. Both games were televised up here. Which game did we watch? NC State, baby! We got to see a NC State quarterback actually throw TOUCHDOWNS (imagine that), NC State defense make a goal-line stand against ECU and succeed AND force a fumble in overtime, then top it all off with a hard-fought touchdown to win the game. It was an awesome game, way more exciting than watching Penn State steamroll their fourth team in a row. We wish we could have been there with our fellow Wolf-packers but it was enough to see NC State actually PLAY an entire football game. I'm so proud of our team!


Johnson and Johnson said...

Yea! All 3 of our teams won!! Alabama, NC State, and our new team Penn State! Woo-hoo!

Mom of struggling actress said...

We missed you all so much at the game and can you believe dad sold two of our tickets to some crazy ECU fans. At first I was sad about that and then . . . well lol! Love you both!!

Mom michel

Johnson and Johnson said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all. Glad you got to visit in L.A. also glad you made it back home safely.
Love you,